
Detergent – Pre-disinfectant
Class IIb medical device

Concentrated solution to be diluted to 0.5% for manual application (soaking + brushing) or in an ultrasonic bath.

No need for enzyme or alkaline products to ensure sparkling instruments. UMONIUM38® STERILY in the first step removes dirt, does not leave any yellow-brown deposits on the shaft of clamps and deep cleans instruments by soaking in an ultrasonic bath and/or by manual brushing. Safe for the operator, it quickly kills the population of micro-organisms. The solution is non-hazardous if it leaks, non-corrosive, biodegradable and does not contain any toxic vapours or substances likely to bind proteins. Equipment sparkles, waste pipes are clear of sticky waste and the wastewater is non-polluting.

CAPACITY: 1L of concentrate makes up 200L of diluted solution (0.5%).

